
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures

Linguistic computing


Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree Classes LM-39 (Linguistics)

The Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures offers the possibility of access to the LM-39 graduate degree class in Linguistics, with a specific profile in Linguistic Computing. This graduate degree programme represents the continuation and culmination, to a higher degree of critical awareness and operational capacity, of the undergraduate degree programme and its respective curricula.
In the light of our University identity, the Faculty teaching and cultural and scientific training are oriented towards the preparation of professionals capable of intervening effectively in working contexts where a high level of competence in the (automatic) analysis of linguistic data is required. A great interdisciplinary linguistic-computational competence is, in fact, increasingly required in professional contexts that make use of linguistically mediated and digitally recorded information.
The constant evolution of the world of work, with the development of new sectors and new professional profiles, is in fact carefully monitored by the Faculty, which is always ready to adapt its educational offer (both in terms of teaching content and the general organisation of degree programmes) to the needs of the companies, organisations and institutions in which future graduates will be called upon to work.

The graduate degree programme in Linguistic Computing provides advanced knowledge of the problems, methods, techniques and tools related to the automatic processing of linguistic data. This knowledge is combined synergistically with the acquisition of skills in linguistic theory and methodology, as well as in the new languages of communication and information. As other degree programmes in Speech & Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Digital Humanities, or Humanistic Computing, which are active at national and international level, do, the degree programme in Linguistic Computing prepares professional figures such as experts in automatic processing of linguistic data, planning, production and analysis of content for the Web, Digital Transformation and Customer Interaction.
The normal duration of an undergraduate programme is an additional two years after graduation. In addition to the in-depth knowledge of two foreign languages, the structure of this graduate programme includes a study plan that, in the first year, provides students with the theoretical, methodological and instrumental foundations of automatic language analysis. In the second year, the acquired skills are put into practice in terms of the development and application of automatic language processing tools in specific fields.
An integral part of this application phase are laboratories, practical activities and the possibility of conducting internships at a wide range of social partners, both nationally and internationally, by virtue of the expendability of the skills acquired independently of the language being analysed automatically.

Learning objectives

The qualifying educational objective of the graduate degree programme in Linguistic Computing is to provide students with the mastery of the following competences, knowledge and skills:

  •  in-depth knowledge of theoretical, methodological and application aspects related to automatic language processing;
  • ability to manage, structure and distribute large linguistic datasets and metadata to support the automatic analysis of their semantic content;
  • ability to acquire the methodologies and skills necessary for positions of responsibility in the areas of marketing, communication and operational innovation in companies and institutions characterised by new digital business models;
  • competence in at least two major European or non-European languages.