Project activation
The activation of the transversal skills and guidance pathways requires a number of steps directly involving the institutes: the formalisation of the collaboration involves the compilation of a number of downloadable facsimile documents for acknowledgement.
Definition of project type
The teacher in charge defines, together with the referent Orientation Office, which of the two PCTO modes to activate, the number of students to involve and the periods in which to plan the activities.
Preliminary meeting
Offices: the staff meet the young people involved to find out about their interests and define an area of insertion
Didactics: the staff meet the reference teachers to define the areas, objectives and people to be involved
Signature of the agreement
The Orientation Office sends the sample agreement scheme, which must be returned in original form on letterhead paper, completed and signed by the Institute's legal representative.
Signature of the training project
The Orientation Office prepares the project and sends it to the referring teacher (by email), who will integrate the data reserved for the school and collect the student's signatures (and those of the parent, if minor).
Start of activities
Offices: on the first day, students are welcomed and accompanied to the office where they will carry out the project.
Didactics: involved students start the cycle of meeting with an initial meeting organised by the staff
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