
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Medicine and surgery

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 6 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-41 (Medicine)

The programme is directly qualifying for the practice of the profession of medical surgeon.
After registering withthe Professional Register of the Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists, doctors can work in public hospitals, private hospitals accredited by the National Health Service or private hospitals, IRCCSs and local ASL facilities (outpatient clinics, consultants, hospices, RSAs, SerTs, SerDs, centres for the disabled, long-term care facilities, psychiatric facilities, etc.). They may also work as a General Practitioner or be self-employed.
For access to the roles of the NHS, a specialisation degree is required, which is obtained by attending the courses of the School of Specialisation in Medicine, which is accessed by passing the single national competition, announced annually by the M.U.R.
In order to be included in the lists of General Practioners, completion of the three-year course of specific training in General Medicine is required, which is accessed by passing the competitions announced annually by the Regions.