
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Medicine and surgery

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 6 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-41 (Medicine)

In accordance with Article 3 of Ministerial Decree. 9 May 2018, no. 58, the study plan provides for15 ECTS ofpractical assessment activities (TPV) valid for the purposes of qualification to practice medicine as a surgeon. The main objective of these activities is to ascertain the student's ability to "know how to do" and "know how to be a doctor", which consists of applying biomedical and clinical knowledge to medical practice, solving questions of professional ethics and medical ethics, demonstrating the ability to solve clinical problems in the areas of medicine and surgery and their specialities, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and public health.

The TPV takes place, starting in the fifth year of the course, for a number of hours corresponding to 5 ECTS for each month and is divided into one month in the Surgical Area, one month in the Medical Area and one month in General Medicine. The TPV programme in the Medical Area and in the Surgical Area is carried out at the Operating Units and Services of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS indicated in Appendix B of the Course Regulations IRCCS , as indicated in Appendix B of the Teaching Regulations of the integrated programme. The TPV within the framework of General Medicine takes place during the sixth year of the programme at the surgery of a General Practitioner who meets the requirements of Article 27(3) of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998. 17 August 1999, no. 368, on the basis of the agreement concluded between the University and the provincial professional association of physicians and surgeons responsible for the area.

The certification of attendance and the assessment of the above-mentioned monthly TPV payments are carried out under the direct responsibility of the teacher or medical director in charge of the facility attended by the trainee, and of the general practitioner, who shall issue, each for the part of their respective competence, formal certification of attendance, together with assessment of the results of the skills demonstrated. At the end of each period, the coordinating Supervisor, identified by the Degree programme Council for each Area/Area of the TPV, expresses a judgement of suitability in the event of a positive assessment.
The TPV is successful only if a pass mark is obtained for each of the above three months.

The specific skills acquired in each Area/Area of TPV are indicated in the trainee's assessment booklet, which is handed out at the beginning of the first period of TPV and which the student and the Divisional and Coordinating Supervisors are required to complete for the parts for which they are responsible. The student is obliged to keep this booklet until graduation, as it constitutes proof of qualification and registration with the professional association.