
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Medicine and surgery

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 6 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-41 (Medicine)

Degree qualifying for the profession of surgeon

The programme in a nutshell

Scientific training that puts the patient first

The specific mission of the integrated programme in Medicine and Surgery is to train a doctor who possesses a multidisciplinary and integrated view of the most common problems of health and illness, with an education oriented towards the community and the territory, the prevention of illness and the promotion of health, equipped with a solid humanistic culture in its medical aspects.
The programme, which lasts for six years, is directly qualifying for the practice of the profession of medical surgeon.

Teaching methodology

For the delivery of face-to-face teaching, the traditional approach of problem-based learning is gradually giving way to teaching that is more interactive. 
The programme also makes use of innovative teaching methods for laboratory activities, including simulation activities in a virtual environment on online platforms. 
The professionalisation activities and internships, which take place in the departments and services of Policlinico Gemelli, are organised in a "professionalisation pathway" which, starting from the fourth year of the programme, allows students to acquire multiple skills in the medical and surgical areas and the transition from small group teaching to "rotation by skill" of students.

What next? A technically and humanly prepared doctor

After graduation, which directly qualifies graduates to practise as doctors and surgeons, they will be able to attend medical specialisation schools or specific training courses in general medicine.


The programmeconsists of six years, during which, in addition to the study of the fundamental subjects for the exercise of the medical profession, there are various training activities and contact with the departments of the General Hospital and the development of specific professional skills.
The programme develops communication skills, self-learning and evaluation skills (continuing education), the ability to solve problems related to medical practice (evidence-based medicine), and an openness to continuous professional development and interdisciplinary work (interprofessional education). Space is also given to the study of information technologies that are indispensable in clinical practice.