
Faculty Medicine And Surgery, Mathematical, Physical And Natural Sciences

Innovations in biotechnology applied to regenerative medicine

Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero (CREM)-BRESCIA

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree Classes LM-9 (Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical biotechnologies.)

Internships and placements

Few practical laboratory activities (“hands on”) activities are present in the first year however they are progressively more frequent in the second year and allow the student to consolidate practical skills, and put acquired knowledge to use in the lab while developing critical judgment skills.
Seminars held by international experts on specific topics relating to the most recent applications of regenerative medicine are also planned: these activities, in addition to further strengthening knowledge and skills acquired in the training course, will constitute an opportunity for discussion with experts on openissues in the scientific community, thus contributing to the development of communication skills and inclusion in the international scientific context.
Students will be able to complete their training by carrying out internships in research laboratories or biotech companies affiliated with the University, both in Italy and abroad, aimed at developing projects consistent with the educational objectives of the course.