
Faculty Medicine And Surgery, Mathematical, Physical And Natural Sciences

Innovations in biotechnology applied to regenerative medicine

Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero (CREM)-BRESCIA

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree Classes LM-9 (Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical biotechnologies.)

Study Plan


The program is a 2-year course and made of a total of 120 credits. One credit (CFU) corresponds to 25 hours of total commitment per student. The breakdown of the total time commitment for each credit between assisted teaching and individual study is determined as follows:

  • 1 credit lecture= 8 hours of lecture + 17 hours of individual study
  • 1 credit laboratory=25 hours of assisted teaching
  • 1 credit curricular internship= 25 hours of training activities (at the institution/industry
  • where the internship is carried out)
  • 1 credit final exam= 25 hours of individual study

The student acquires credits after passing the exam or successfully completing other forms of learning comprehension.


Attendance is required for all activities (lectures and laboratory). In order to be admitted for
exams students must have attended at least 65% of the lectures in the classroom and at least 80% of the laboratory activities. Attendance will be verified at the discretion of the Lecturer/Professor.