
Faculty Medicine And Surgery, Mathematical, Physical And Natural Sciences

Innovations in biotechnology applied to regenerative medicine

Fondazione Poliambulanza Istituto Ospedaliero (CREM)-BRESCIA

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree Classes LM-9 (Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical biotechnologies.)


The course aims to provide thorough knowledge of advanced biotechnologies in the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering through multidisciplinary training that combines updated theoretical concepts and practical skills within a highly international setting.

The training will provide:

  • extensive knowledge of stem cell biology and of degenerative and regenerative tissue processes in both physiological and pathological conditions
  • multidisciplinary knowledge of modern biotechnology aimed at the development of innovative therapies in the fields of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and biomaterials
  • extensive knowledge of commonly used experimental models in regenerative medicine together with the ability to develop a modern experimental approach in order to develop innovative therapeutic strategies
  • knowledge on intellectual property, technology transfer, and the ethical, regulatory and economic aspects of research in the field of regenerative medicine



Graduates will acquire:

  • Concepts of the biology of stem cells: from basic knowledge to the characterization through -OMICS, up to the principles underlying their therapeutic use in the field of regenerative medicine; at the same time practical skills will be acquired regarding isolation procedures, cell expansion and use of specific instrumentation;
  • Knowledge on the foundations of pathological processes related to tissue degeneration with reference to the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved;
  • Knowledge on the mechanisms underlying tissue regeneration, with particular attention to emerging technologies in the field;
  • Cross-disciplinary knowledge of innovative strategies in tissue engineering, starting
  • from tissue biomechanics, up to the use of biomaterials, 3D printing and nanotechnologies;
  • Knowledge on the ethical aspects of basicand preclinical research on stem cells and principles of clinical ethics;
  • Skills related to the main biostatistics and bioinformatics methodologies that provide
  • models for the analysis, description, interpretation, and dissemination of biological
  • phenomena;
  • Knowledge on regulatory aspects related to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) including manufacturing processes, commercialization, costs, sustainability and
  • approvals;
  • Knowledge on basic and advanced instrumental analytical techniques and laboratory practice;
  • Knowledge on patents, technology transfer, and economic aspects linked to biotechnological research in the field of regenerative medicine.