
Faculty of: Agriculture, Food And Environmental Sciences

Food science and technology


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian English

Degree classes LM-70 (Food science)

The graduate programmes in Food Science and Technology carries out planning, management, control, coordination and training activities with regard to the procurement of raw materials, the management and control of product quality and safety , the development of new products and new processes, and the marketing of products.

Graduates interested in teaching will be able to enter subsequent levels of training for secondary teaching qualifications. Employment opportunities in private and public structures are:

  • in the food industry and in all companies involved in the production, processing, storage and distribution of food products;
  • in large-scale retail companies;
  • in public and private bodies conducting planning, analysis and control, certification, as well as in those carrying out scientific investigations for the protection and enhancement of food production; in training and research institutions, offices and studios of the liberal professions;
  • organisation of distribution systems for agri-food products and their rationalisation; marketing of agri-food products;
  • business activity, consultancy and basic and applied research.