
Faculty of: Education

Sciences of education and training processes


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-19 (Education and training)

A graduate in Sciences of Education and Training Processes is a professional who, depending on the focus of his or her studies, can work in various fields relating to education, training and personal services. In particular, he/she can become:

  • professional socio-pedagogical educator in socioeducational and socio-assistance services, managed in the context of public and by social cooperatives, in accordance with the provisions of Law No.  205/2017 and paragraph 571 of Law 145/2018.
  • early childhood education services educator (provided he/she has acquired the specific credits  required by the regulations);
  • trainer and human resources manager (classroom and online tutor, training planner,  evaluator of  training processes and projects, junior trainer, human resources selection and development  practitioner  in services and public administration, companies and organisations, training agencies and consultancies).