
Faculty of: Education

Sciences of education and training processes


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-19 (Education and training)

The programme in a nutshell

Knowing how to put the person at the centre
A strong motivation and vocation for educational commitment are fundamental conditions for those who want to acquire tools and techniques to be used in training. The study plan, which can be customised according to one's aptitudes and interests, allows students to specialise in one of three distinct professional fields: personal services, childhood education, adult education.

Teaching methodology
The programme combines lectures with a variety of workshop activities, as well as internships in both the second and third years, which are a key element of the proposed programme and allow for the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a professional context.

What next? A professional at the service of the person
Depending on the study path chosen, graduates will be able to hold the position of:
educators in socio-educational services managed by the public sector or social cooperatives animators or pedagogical consultants in the field of childcare services (crèches, libraries, care centres) trainer, classroom and on-line tutor, training designer in enterprises.

The profile allows for the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills related to the education and training of the person, in line with the provisions of paragraphs 594-601 of Law 205/17 and Decree-Law. 65 of 13 April 2017. During the degree programme you can choose examinations, laboratories and internship experiences aimed at improving your education in one of the areas specific to this degree programme, depending on the field in which you wish to work as a professional, from childcare to adult education. It is a profile suitable for those who want to put themselves in the game, acquiring wide-ranging knowledge and putting passion and motivation into play: elements that allow, once graduated, to pursue careers as professionals, consultants and self-employed workers.