
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Media languages


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-20 (Communication)

The programme in a nutshell

A humanistic look at the world of media

This programme aims to reconcile the disciplines of the humanistic-literary area with the analysis of new digital media. After the first year - characterised by basic courses in the areas of language, sociology and literary history - students can choose among four subject areas: “Information Media”; “Cinema and Audiovisual Products”; “Events and live communication”,“Advertising”.

Teaching methodology

The approach is highly interactive: in addition to lectures, students will participate in workshops where they can put into practice what they have learned in theory through group work and exercises.

What next? Bringing content into the world of communication

Depending on the profile chosen, graduates acquire the skills and professionalism required in different contexts: within an organisation (press office, house organ), in a newsroom, in the television or digital media environment (production and promotion of audiovisual products), in an agency organising cultural events or advertising.


The aim of the degree programme in Media Languages is to train professionals to work in the various fields of communication and the
cultural industry, in particular in journalism, television and digital media, film, theatre, advertising and social networks.

The degree programme comprises four profiles:

  • Information Media
  • Cinema and Audiovisual
  • Products
  • Events and Live Communication Advertising