
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures

Linguistic sciences


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-12 (Applied languages)

Occupational areas and professional activities, envisaged by the degree programmes of the class, are identified in the following fields:

  • management and organisation of companies with an international vocation (manufacturing and tourism, but not only), in the field of business functions aimed at the public and communication with foreign partners (sales, logistics, marketing);
  • front-office in tourist companies, organisation of tourist events, management of foreign groups;
  • linguistic support of foreign clients in professional offices and public institutions in the field of cultural services for multi-language and multicultural contexts;
  • language assistance in organisations and institutions active in the field of international relations and cooperation (local government, consortia, NGOs);
  • language editing and translation of websites, catalogues, reports, minutes, correspondence; online editing.

Curriculum Foreign languages and literatures

The curriculum is designed to train those who want to extend their language skills in the literary, cultural and humanistic fields to the main European literatures, starting with Italian.
The curriculum allows you to apply the general linguistic competence provided by the degree programme with certain functions related to text processing (editorial work, translation of sites, etc.). It also allows access to teaching-oriented graduate degree programmes or to all activities involving cultural depth and a solid humanistic background.
Teaching-oriented students are advised to enquire about the curricular requirements for admission to the respective qualification classes.

Curriculum Languages, communication and media

It provides technical skills and critical knowledge related to the dynamics of communication and media languages.
The curriculum is structured in such a way as to enable students to apply their language skills to the international and multi language world of information and mass communication. It also offers an appropriate knowledge, of a technical-theoretical nature, of some specific contexts of communication and the ability to interact effectively with content and media channels in their cultural contexts (online editing, translation and localisation of websites, management of corporate social media).

Curriculum Business language expert

The language skills are oriented towards the application in the business environment, particularly in functions more directly related to communication (marketing, sales, logistics) and meeting foreign customers or partners. The Faculty’s solid linguistic and cultural training is therefore combined with a knowledge of the basic topics of economics and finance, law and the realities of business and entrepreneurship. The course can be suitably enriched with a company internship, also abroad.

Curriculum Linguistic expert for international relations

The course aims at training language mediation skills to be applied in the context of international organisations, NGOs and other entities operating in international contexts with significant language needs. With basic knowledge of geopolitics, law, economics and a serious cultural background, the graduate is able to interact effectively as a cultural mediator, address foreign audiences, write and revise foreign language texts.