
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures

Linguistic sciences


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-12 (Applied languages)

A Double Degree is a programme in which the student spends part of his or her academic career at Cattolica and part at a foreign university. An extended study experience abroad - a whole academic year, and in some cases two - with the aim of obtaining a qualification recognised both in Italy and in the foreign country concerned.

The undergraduate programme in Linguistic Sciences, Business Language Expert curriculum offers its students the possibility of obtaining a double degree at the end of their studies in:

  1. Undergraduate degree in Linguistic Sciences - Business Language Expert - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  2. Undergraduate degree in Chinese Language - Beijing Language and Culture(BLCU) College of Chinese Language

Thestudy programme is spread over four years, the first two at Università Cattolica and the remaining at BLCU.

Examinations taken in China in the fourth year can be recognised for the purposes of the Graduate programme.

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