
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Environment and workplace prevention techniques

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT4 (Health professions for preventive care)

The graduates in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and in the Workplace carry out their professional activity in the National Health Service in the services of prevention and safety in the workplace, environment, food hygiene and nutrition, veterinary, hygiene and public health and territorial assistance in the regional and provincial prevention and environmental protection agencies or in public or private bodies and companies, in organs and articulations of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy. The environmental and workplace prevention technician, working in the services with inspection and supervision tasks is, within the limits of his/her powers, a judicial police officer, with investigative activities, aimed at issuing authorisations or technical-sanitary permits. In the private sector, thanks to the professional competences acquired during the undergraduate degree course, graduates in Prevention Techniques carry out independent consultancy work as freelancers or employees. In addition, in the Prevention and Protection Services (SPP) of several companies as RSPP (Responsible for the Service) or as ASPP (Person in charge of the Service). The transversal nature of university training in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and in the Workplace also allows for the possibility of professional careers in a wide range of fields.