
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Environment and workplace prevention techniques

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT4 (Health professions for preventive care)

Course locations

The Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces programme is available at the A.S.P. Potenza – Moliterno campus.


A total of 180 university credits (ECTS) are required for the degree; as a rule, 60 credits are acquired each year with assessment tests for both teaching and supplementary teaching. Each course is given a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in a mark out of 30) which varies according to the level of preparation. The final examination mark is expressed in a mark out of one hundred and ten.