
Faculty of: Education, Medicine And Surgery

Sport and motor sciences


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-22 (Sports and Physical Education)

Graduates in Sport and Motor Sciences are professionals who can hold various positions in educational institutions, gyms, sports federations, local authorities and public and private centres for the promotion of exercise and sport, non-profit organisations and environments in general where people with a broad cultural background are required:

  • basic kinesiology;
  • movement and sport operator/educator;
  • motor activity teacher for adults and elderly people;
  • multipurpose sports activity teacher and/or specialised teacher;
  • teacher/instructor in the field of fitness and wellness;
  • motor and sports group leader;
  • consultant in motor and psycho-motor education in primary schools and kindergartens.

Thanks to the skills acquired, it is also possible to enter the world of work as a freelancer or entrepreneur.