
Faculty of: Education, Medicine And Surgery

Sport and motor sciences


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-22 (Sports and Physical Education)

The programme in a nutshell

Sport as education and training: a winning team

The education and training of the individual also involves movement and sporting activities: through a dynamic and culturally rich programme, students will acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. After a first year of common teaching, focusing on basic pedagogical techniques and the study of the body and human movement, students can choose between two paths: school-adaptive and sport-management.

Teaching methodology

The programme consists of theoretical lessons and practical activities with compulsory attendance, held at the 'RinoFenaroli' Sports Centre.

What next? Passion for sport becomes a job

Schools, sports federations, local authorities and sports organisations are constantly calling for competent people in a variety of roles: motor activity teachers for adults and the elderly, psycho-motor education advisors in primary and nursery schools, fitness instructors, movement educators.

The programme, inter-faculty of Education and ‘A. Gemelli’ Medicine and Surgery (Campus of Rome), enables the development of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills relating to the education and training of the individual, through movement and sporting activities. The programme, dynamic and culturally rich, trains professionals who, thanks to the analysis of the movement needs of the person in the different phases of life, are able to design, propose and manage education, training and post-rehabilitation recovery through movement. Open to different developments, the course also prepares for professional entrepreneurial activities.