
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Speech and language therapy

Bolzano-scuola Provinciale Superiore di Sanità - Claudiana

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree Classes L/SNT2 (Health professions for rehabilitation)

Course locations

The Speech Therapy course is held not only at the UCSC campus in Rome, but also at the Scuola Superiore Sanitaria Provincia “Claudiana” in Bolzano and at the Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo in Potenza.



A total of 180 university credits (ECTS) are required for the degree; as a rule, 60 credits are acquired each year with assessment tests for both teaching and supplementary teaching. Each course is awarded the same number of credits for all students; the grade (in thirtieths) varies according to the student’s level of preparation. The final grade, which includes the assessment of the final test, is expressed in hundredths.