
Faculty of: Education

Primary teacher education


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 5 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-85 bis (Education)

The course consists of five years, during which a lot of space is devoted to workshops and internships. While
the workshops consist of analysis, design and simulation courses, present albeit in different ways in all years, the internship experience.
The internship experience starts in the second year and is continued and progressively expanded until the fifth year,
amounting to a total of 600 hours.


In order to obtain the integrated degree, 300 credits (ECTS) are required. They are acquired by means of assessment tests for both courses and supplementary teaching activities. Each course is given a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in a mark out of 30) which varies according to the level of preparation.
The final examination consists of the discussion of the dissertation and the internship report. The overall assessment is expressed in a mark out of one hundred and ten.