
Faculty of: Education

Primary teacher education


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 5 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-85 bis (Education)

The programme in a nutshell

Learning to teach, teaching to learn

This integrated degree programme aims to prepare the teachers of the future.
For this reason, the study plan provides for two levels of teaching: providing the knowledge and disciplinary content that will be conveyed in the school environment ("what" to teach) and showing students the relationship and approach to be taken with pupils ("how" to teach).

Teaching methodology

In addition to a solid theoretical background, the programme also includes workshop activities in educational design and simulation. The internship experience to be carried out in schools starts in the second year and continues until the fifth for a total of 600 hours.

What next? School from a new point of view

A degree in primary education qualifies you to teach in pre-school and primary school. Up-to-date training makes it possible to competently manage both the dynamics of relationships in today's highly complex environment and the new technologies that are now used in classrooms.

The Integrated Degree programme in Primary Teacher Education qualifies students to teach, i.e. once they have completed their programme, they can be included in the school rankings and take part in ordinary competitions for kindergartens and primary schools. For this reason, it is a demanding course, structured on a very solid knowledge base, which is essentially divided into two areas: the area of professional knowledge, socio-psycho-pedagogical disciplines and relational and communication skills; the area of disciplinary contents - Italian language, foreign language, mathematics, history, geography - which are essential in the training of a future teacher. Teachers trained
in this way are increasingly needed in today's schools: they are passionate, competent and capable of designing a coherent educational and didactic profile, able to manage relational dynamics in a context, such as the current one, of growing social complexity and to use the new technologies in a conscious and effective way.