
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery


VITERBO-Casa di cura Villa Immacolata

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT2 (Health professions for rehabilitation)

Qualification for the healthcare profession of physiotherapist


The undergraduate degree programme in Physiotherapy, starting from the teaching of basic biological, biomedical, biomechanical, kinesiological, neurophysiological and hygienic-preventive disciplines, introduces students to the acquisition of scientific and methodological knowledge useful for learning rehabilitation techniques and sensory and robotic stimulation technologies, indispensable for the exercise of the profession of Physiotherapist, which can be carried out independently or within teams in complex organisational contexts.
The physiotherapist is the health professional who, independently or in collaboration with other health professionals, identifies and adopts the best strategies for the prevention, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and habilitation of various systems, in particular the neuromusculoskeletal, sensory, cognitive, cardiorespiratory and visceral systems in relation to congenital or acquired pathologies in childhood, adulthood, the elderly and athletes (World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2011).