
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-5 (Philosophy)

a) Archive and Library Assistants with the following functions:

  • Collaboration in the organisation of archives and libraries;
  • Organisation, preservation and transmission of knowledge within archives and libraries in digital mode;
  • Organisation, promotion and publicising of cultural heritage in document and text form;

b) Organiser of conferences and receptions with the following functions:

  • Planning, presentation and publicising of conference events for the dissemination of knowledge and culture, aimed at both specialist and non-specialist audiences;
  • Planning of receptions and public relations management within different contexts (associations, institutions, luxury, foundations) ;

c) Cultural worker with the following functions:

  • Organisation of educational, informative and dissemination activities for cultural events, exhibitions, social events;
  • Design of cultural events to launch and relaunch activities and initiatives in the public and private sector;
  • Communication organisation and management of interpersonal relations within the planning of cultural events.

d) Human Resources Officer with the following functions:

  • Select training activities for staff upgrading;
  • Collaborate in personnel management and in optimising interpersonal relations;
  • Collaborate in the selection of staff in accordance with the aims of companies or public bodies;
  • Plan ways of integrating and coordinating the different professional figures within the work context.