
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-5 (Philosophy)

The programme in a nutshell

Exploring philosophical thought and its evolution

Knowledge of the foundations of philosophical knowledge is developed in four directions: historical-philosophical (history of ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary philosophy), ethical-anthropological, logical-epistemological and theoretical-metaphysical. The student can complete his or her education by choosing subjects from other areas, including the humanities, communication and language/literature.

Teaching methodology

The predominantly theoretical nature of the courses is combined with the initiatives organised by the Faculty: seminars, meetings with internationally renowned philosophers and lecturers, research and in-depth studies.

What next? Traditional outlets and new opportunities

In addition to the pathway to qualification in teaching and research, Philosophy graduates can make a valuable contribution in a number of areas: publishing and other areas of the cultural industry; communication and public relations services; human resources management and personnel management.


The Philosophy degree programme provides knowledge of the foundations of philosophical knowledge, both with respect to knowledge of the evolution of the philosophical thought in the field of ethical-anthropological, logical-epistemological and theoretical reflection, in
accordance with the metaphysical tradition of Università Cattolica. In particular it offers:

  • a solid theoretical, epistemological and ethical background;
  • a broad basic preparation in the study of the history of philosophy through four annual courses entirely dedicated to the study of the evolution of philosophical thought (ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary);
  • in-depth expertise in the fundamental areas of philosophical reflection through the study and analysis of the classics.