
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Modern Philology


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-14 (Modern philology)


Internships offer students an invaluable chance to access the world of work in order to experience and apply the concepts learned in university and to evaluate their real motivation when stepping into a professional role.

An internship represents an opportunity for professional and personal growth and enhances the student’s study curriculum as it is integrative to individual study and the university learning process.

They can be seen as a moment of experimentation, a way to try out a particular career which enables students to see the connection between knowledge acquired at university and how it is applied in a particular organisation.

Since the University understands how important internships are, they are now included in most of its academic programmes as credit-bearing activities.

The number of credits and how they are assigned varies according to the regulations of the individual Faculties and Degree programmes.