
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Modern Philology


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-14 (Modern philology)

This graduate degree programme aims to provide a solid and wide-ranging disciplinary and methodological preparation for future teachers of humanities in lower and upper secondary schools, as well as to train highly versatile and advanced professionals in the fields of book and multimedia publishing, library and archival conservation of the book heritage and historical memory, cultural design and services, performing arts and screen arts, event promotion, information and public communication.


To this end, on the common basis of some courses of the linguistic-literary area, concentrated in the first year of studies, aimed at ensuring an advanced competence in history of the Italian language, forms, genres, the literary tradition and modernity, the programme is articulated in several profiles, designed in view of the different professional profiles mentioned above, within the common horizon of an humanistic approach to the history and expressions of the human civilisation, with particular regard to the national reality.