
Faculty of: Economics

Markets and strategies


Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-77 (Management)

The Graduate degree programme in Business Markets and Strategies aims to develop one of the traditional strengths of the Faculty of Economics at Università Cattolica, namely the ability to train graduates with an interdisciplinary profile capable of mastering the basic elements necessary for carrying out their activities in the various fields of business, banking, professions and institutions.
It is the strength and richness of this training that has enabled our graduates to successfully manage the changes that have taken place in recent years in the various professional profiles.
The new challenges imposed by the development of the knowledge society and the accentuation of international competitive processes suggest, however, that we must interpret this traditional strength of ours in a more dynamic and innovative way not through the simple sum of the different skills, but through their use to study more in-depth complex problems, which can be better understood if handled in a multidisciplinary perspective.

Course aims

In general, the following competences, knowledge and skills are specific educational objectives qualifying the Graduate degree programme in Markets and Business Strategies, which belongs to the class LM-77 Economic and Business Sciences:

  • knowledge of specialised techniques in the field of Economics and Business Management (at both the micro-and macroeconomic level), enabling them to address the complex problems that characterise today's business management. In an economic context that has become increasingly uncertain due to the enlargement of the markets and their volatility, it is essential to deepen the knowledge of the theory and techniques that allow to predict the behaviour of the actors operating on the markets. This implies knowing the incentives that economic actors respond to, and how these incentives work in situations of uncertainty and in different institutional contexts;
  • knowledge of institutional issues which influence the environment where the activity of businesses and economic organisations id held. The environment in which companies operate has become increasingly complex, it is profoundly influenced by the political and institutional structures that exist in different countries.

A specific training objective of the Graduate degree is to focus on institutional issues and regulatory frameworks that characterise the new international economic order; - the ability to employ different methodological approaches to market problems and business strategies, acquired through an interdisciplinary
method and teamwork.
The strongly interdisciplinary nature of the training course implies the use of different methodological and operational tools necessary to deal with different economic/business realities. These realities are tackled with a cross-sectoral approach to the problems by jointly using the contribution of different scientific disciplines.

Competence profiles

In particular, the Graduate degree programme provides students with an advanced level of training necessary to deal with the main managerial, consultancy and entrepreneurial issues that characterise today's business environment. The aim is to provide the student with advanced tools and competences to undertake a managerial career in industrial, service and consulting companies, also through the development of entrepreneurial attitudes, both with reference to innovation and to the launch of new enterprises. The achievement of these objectives is achieved through a course of study that provides a solid basic economic-business preparation,
necessary to acquire the methods of analysis and methodological procedures typical of the managerial field, supplemented by more professional skills.

To these are added:

  • the skills provided by the disciplines characterising the activity of business management, which are important for understanding the principles, methods and tools relating to the administration, control and determination of the financial and commercial needs of enterprises;
  • the skills relating to the functioning of quantitative tools to support decision-making, both statistical and econometric. They will be complemented by dynamic simulation methods, which exemplify recurring decision- making situations in the company.