
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures, Political And Social Sciences

Linguistic sciences for international relations


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-12 (Applied languages)

The graduate can carry out various activities based on the skills acquired:

  • linguistic mediator for bodies and organisations operating at international level, including nongovernmental organisations;
  • promotion and organisation of events (congresses, cultural events) with mediation and assistance tasks;
  • language facilitator to support educational activities aimed at the integration of migrants in school contexts and in both public and private companies.

The graduate will find professional opportunities:

  • in multinational companies and organisations: in management and administrative secretariats, in language mediation areas and communication with the international public as well as those supporting the intercultural training of staff;
  • in foreign customer service offices in small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • in professional offices for the positions of mediation and translation officer