
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures, Political And Social Sciences

Linguistic sciences for international relations


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-12 (Applied languages)

The programme in a nutshell

Language, culture and history: where strong international relations are built

Thanks to the contribution of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, the study plan for this programme proceeds in two different directions in parallel: on the one hand, preparation in languages (English is compulsory) with a focus on the culture of other countries, and on the other hand, the area of historical, political and legal studies.

Teaching methodology

The programme combines the theoretical study of linguistic sciences with the proposals and experiences offered by the Faculty: seminars, group work, meetings with speakers from the world of Institutions.

What next? A linguistic and cultural profile for experienced mediators

The interdisciplinary training enables graduates to work in various sectors: multinational companies, with administrative tasks, language mediation or management of foreign relations; event organisation, with mediation and assistance tasks; organisations and institutions, in roles of close contact with situations and subjects of international importance.


The inter-faculty degree programme in Linguistic Sciences for International Relations, which belongs to the Faculties of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures and Political and Social Sciences, aims to deepen a tradition of inter- and multidisciplinary studies in the field of Linguistic Sciences, which the Faculty of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literature has been pursuing for many years. The course of study offers a high-level multidisciplinary education with two interconnected teaching components: on the one hand there is the field of disciplines related to understanding and learning languages, with particular attention to the cultures of various countries, and on the other hand there is the field of historical, political and legal subjects related to international relations. This course trains professionals with a background that opens up to the complex dynamics of globalisation and the growing interdependence between the world’s macro-regions.