
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures

Linguistic sciences


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-38 (Modern languages for communication and international cooperation)

The specific learning objectives of the graduate programme in Linguistic Sciences (belonging to the LM-38 class Modern Languages for Communication and International Cooperation) are the following competences, knowledge and skills:

  • having a high level of competence in at least two of the languages of international communication, in the four skills (oral comprehension and production, written comprehension and production) applied to the languages of the specialisation;
  • having an in-depth knowledge of intercultural issues related to the chosen languages;
  • acquiring qualified skills in the disciplines more directly concerned with the management and problems of the various specialisation profiles: Literature and Communication, Languages for Specialist and Editorial Translation, Management and International Economic Relations and Management, Entrepreneurship and Communication for Global Tourism.


Professor Lucia Mor ( and Professor Marco Grumo ( are available for orientation talks and to provide specific information about the content of each curriculum.
In order to be able to have access to these interviews, you need to contact the Professors.