
Faculty of: Political And Social Sciences

International cooperation policies for development

Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-81 (Development co-operation)

Coordinator: Claudia Rotondi
Tenured teaching staff: Alberto Aziani, Marco Caselli, Elena MaestriMarina Mancuso, Mauro Angelo MeglianiBeatrice NicoliniVittorio Emanuele Parsi, Fausta PellizzariRiccardo RedaelliMonica Spatti, Maria Chiara Zanarotti, Roberto Zoboli


The programme is characterised by a combination of political, economic, sociological, legal and historical courses, which makes it possible to scientifically analyse the complex issue of development from the perspective of effective solidarity and social justice. The aim is to prepare people to play active and responsible roles in the field of cooperation, giving them the opportunity to acquire important skills to know, understand and analyse national and international contexts by studying more in depth the themes of development in relation to those of cooperation and the third sector. In order to ensure close contact with the professional world in the field of cooperation, the graduate programme has set up a Technical Committee with representatives from institutions and organisations active in the Sector, to which among others, adhere: Acli - Ipsia, Agenzia italiana per la cooperazione allo sviluppo, Avsi, Caritas, Celim, Cesi, Intesa Sanpaolo, Mlal, Pime, Sovrano - ordine di Malta, WeWorld GVC Onlus.