
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-10 (Humanities)

The undergraduate degree programme in Humanities provides a highly versatile cultural and professional profile in all areas where strong argumentative and discursive skills are required, particularly in the fields of teaching, publishing, cultural heritage conservation, communication and entertainment.

To this end, the degree programme aims to provide students with solid basic education and training in the traditionally fundamental areas of humanistic culture (philological-literary, linguistic, historical, historical-cultural, artistic), appropriately combined with new knowledge in the areas of communication and contemporary expression, in the perspective of a constant dialogue between the ancient and the modern, and a fruitful interaction between different disciplines and methodologies.

All students enrolled in the course will receive a common, cross-curricular education, particularly in areas related to the basic disciplines, mainly concentrated in the first year of study. However, in order to avoid generality and to allow an initial in-depth study and the acquisition of more robust tools of investigation in one of the above-mentioned areas, the course is divided into different profiles, which allow the student to structure a homogeneous, coherent and rational study programme. This differentiation within the three-year cycle will be progressive, significantly marked in the final year.

The following competences, knowledge and skills are specific training objectives qualifying the degree programme in Humanities:

  • a solid basic training, both methodological and historical, in linguistic, philological and literary studies;
  • an essential knowledge of literary, linguistic, historical, geographical and artistic culture of the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary ages, with direct knowledge of original texts and documents;
  • the ability to carry out professional tasks at various levels in public and private bodies in the fields of cultural services, journalism, publishing and cultural institutions of various kinds.