
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Health professions of rehabilitation sciences

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM/SNT2 (Health professions for rehabilitation)

Graduates in Health professions of rehabilitation sciences can find employment in management roles in health care services in public or private facilities with decision-making possibilities in the management organisation for the achievement of objectives, and with co-ordination and management functions to implement innovative projects and reorganisation of care processes in which the professionals work. Graduates can take up teaching, tutoring, training and coordination activities in undergraduate and graduate programmes of the same class, in company or academic training centres with a focus on training; in research centres he/she can carry out research activities as scientific support for the introduction of organisational models, the monitoring of care activities and the design of multidisciplinary activities.