
Faculty of: Education

Educational sciences and services to the person


Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-85 (Education)

The figure outlining the course of study is that of the pedagogist specialised in the organisation and coordination of educational services.
The graduate will be able to:

  • operate effective service coordination and organisational management inspired by educational leadership;
  • understand the connection between the knowledge made available by the educational sciences and that of other domains of knowledge such as history, philosophy, law, economics, sociology and psychology;
  • co-ordinate and organise services to the person in the various territorial contexts (local, regional, national, European) related to the different living and working situations;
  • apply communication and relational skills in order to foster network coordination between institutions and structures involved in the social services system;
  • gain a precise ability to read the educational needs (individual and collective), and in particular to adopt a relational and systemic perspective in the management of intervention in the field of service-oriented professions;
  • design and evaluate educational interventions, even complex ones, in relation to the needs of the different services to the person - provided by public and private bodies, and by the third sector - on the basis of a scientifically founded reading of the context.

The targeted professional will be a pedagogist able to take on coordination and planning tasks in local personal services, possessing analytical, synthetic and interdisciplinary skills. They will be in a position to carry out high-profile professional assignments in institutional contexts, both public and private, which require structural competences and expert advice in the field of personal services and training in both theoretical and applied fields. Graduate students will also be able to work professionally in the various public administration bodies according to the provisions of the current laws (state and regional) and public selection notices.
Specifically, the following professionals are to be trained:

  • education specialist in services to the person and other public and private organisations and agencies.
  • coordinator of territorial personal services provided by public and private bodies.
  • consultant in different agencies and personal services: school, social and socio-cultural services, private companies, public administration, voluntary work, national and international cooperation.
  • consultant in the design and management of interventions in different types of services in the educational and training field.