
Faculty of: Education

Educational counselling for disabled and marginal people


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-50 (Development and management of education services)

Our society is increasingly complex and difficult, and many people are at risk of being relegated to the margins of the civil and democratic context because they do not meet the requirements for successful inclusion and integration.
A large section of the population with specific needs linked to physical, mental and sensory disabilities, or who, mainly due to exogenous conditions, run the risk of experiencing situations of marginality, maladjustment and social deviance, requires pedagogical attention that is always more qualified and able to interact positively with the other sciences in order to propose suitable training and life paths.


Graduate students in Educational Counselling for Disabled and Marginal People should therefore have solid theoretical and practical skills in the field of educational sciences with particular reference to issues related to disability conditions, in-depth knowledge of the problems related to discomfort, maladjustment and deviance of children and young people.
In addition, they should be able to design and run innovative educational and training projects aimed at promoting life paths capable of solving the issues related to the inclusion of people with disabilities and capable of positively addressing the problems of social and personal marginality.
Their high level of qualification will lead them to intervene directly in educational and social contexts, where their pedagogical competence will guide and coordinate the training and rehabilitation process of people in very difficult personal and socio-affective situations.
Students will be called upon to work in educational agencies, in public and private structures dealing, from childhood to adulthood, with people with profound specific needs.


In particular, the specific objectives of the programme are:

  • acquisition of high theoretical and practical skills in the field of pedagogical, psychological, sociological, legal, historical, ethical and medical sciences with particular reference to disability and inclusion issues;
  • acquisition of in-depth knowledge in the field of prevention of juvenile marginality and in the resolution of personal conflicts at risk of deviance;
  • acquisition of specialist skills to design, monitor and conduct innovative educational research products aimed at solving the problems of 'diversity' and to evaluate and monitor the educational and training interventions implemented;
  • knowledge to intervene directly in educational and social contexts where pedagogical competence will direct and coordinate the training and rehabilitation process of people experiencing difficult personal and socio-affective situations;
  • the achievement of skills useful to exercise the educational action in educational Educational Counselling for Disabled and Marginal People agencies, in public and private structures dealing from childhood to adulthood with people with special needs;
  • the achievement of advanced knowledge in the unitary construction of rehabilitative educational paths and multidisciplinary communication for a very specialised educational action included in the socio-administrative policies of the territory;
  • the development of competences to use the English language fluently in both written and oral form;
  • the achievement of a good knowledge of the main IT tools and telematic communication with particular reference to the field of educational research and training.