
Faculty of: Economics

Economics and management


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-18 (Business administration)


The programme is divided into various profiles, within which the knowledge of English and the use of a second  language of your choice (French, German or Spanish) are equally studies more in-depth.
There are five profiles

  • Management
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • ICT Management
  • Service Management (for a maximum of 80 students)

In order to obtain the degree, 180 credits (ECTS) are required: normally about 60 credit per year are acquired by means of assessment tests for both courses and supplementary teaching activities. Each course is given a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in a mark out of 30) which varies according to the level of preparation. The final examination mark is expressed in a mark out of one hundred and ten. The choice of courses delivered in English (indicated in the plans in italics) instead of the corresponding course taught in Italian must be made in accordance with the language certifications required.