
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Digital content management for media, corporate communication and cultural heritage


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-19 (Information and publishing systems)

GeCoThe graduate programme in "Digital Content Management for Media, Business and Cultural Heritage" (class LM-19 - Information and Publishing Systems) trains digital communication professionals to manage narrative, argumentative, persuasive, dramaturgical content, in verbal, graphic-visual and audiovisual form, primarily within the web and social media, and then within the entire intermediary network. 

Given its profoundly innovative structure and in line with the most demanding the course combines a solid theoretical training with a series of practical opportunities for contact with the professional world: practical exercises, workshops and a final internship of at least 300 hours.

The programme has an international vocation and includes exchange programmes with foreign universities focusing on similar training programmes.

Learning objectives

The main objective of the training concerns the ability to conceive, plan and manage communication operations within the new media such as, for example, web and social media campaigns, internal communication of enterprises and institutions (e.g. management of corporate communities via intranet), construction of branded content for companies, management of public relations and press offices via web and social media, conception and realisation of storytelling operations through different media, and so on.

There are three concrete sectors in which these competences can be applied: 

  • small and medium-sized enterprises; 
  • institutions operating in the territory in favour of the preservation and promotion of environmental and cultural heritage; 
  • publishing, media and communication agencies that intend to exploit the opportunities for innovation offered by digital technology. 

The skills and knowledge needed to achieve these educational objectives are fostered through the teaching of subjects both historical and theoretical belonging to the ideational-expressive, psychological and philosophical areas.
Around this core, other sets of knowledge and skills relating to legal, economic, graphic and design, IT and media tools are aggregated, which are necessary to consciously interact with professionals and specialists in the same fields. 
The teaching is in any case complemented by a large number of exercises and workshops and a final internship aimed at conveying the aspects of the training MORE of the operational skills required by the labour market.

The programme includes international student exchanges, the provision of at least two English- language courses and the activation of two English-language courses for web writing (one of which is taught entirely in English).

The training involves at all levels (and in particular in the exercises and workshops) various opportunities for joint work, including in order to enhance the soft skills needed to cope with working environments in the digital content management sector. A privileged opportunity to assess skills is the Geckathon, a hackathon dedicated to GeCo students: on this occasion, some companies launch a creative challenge in the digital and social field to Gecko students, who provide original and functional solutions in teams. The Geckathon takes place once or twice a year, normally at the beginning of two semesters.

In order to realise the training concept of the course in the best possible way, the teaching staff combines tenured university professors with professionals who have accumulated solid teaching experience; in some workshops and vocational courses space is also devoted to first-hand accounts from professionals specialised in individual aspects.

More info on the course contents

Prof. Ruggero Eugeni (Coordinator): 
Dott.ssa Marzia Morteo (Tutor):

In cooperation with

Talent Garden Gummy Industries Borsoni