
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Dentistry 0D1A

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 6 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-46 (Dentistry and orthodontics)

This Faculty provides modern technical and scientific equipment, but above all it allows you to benefit from the close connection with the Policlinico ‘A. Gemelli’, a university hospital with more than 1,500 inpatient and day hospital beds, capable of providing tens of thousands of emergency room services each year and more than 9 million total services between services and outpatient clinics: those who enrol at Università Cattolica thus have the unique opportunity not only to study medicine, but to ‘live’ it. In addition to the more traditional face-to-face teaching - with professors/lecturers of recognised international scientific standing - there are internship activities, in-depth studies (conferences, seminars, ad hoc projects), computer and multimedia sessions and specialist workshops.