
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Cultural heritage


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-1 (Cultural heritage)

The programme in a nutshell

Cultural heritage management: knowing to create value

The programme provides students with a basic grounding in history, geography and literature, together with a mastery of the tools useful for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. It is structured in different profiles: ‘Archaeological', 'Historical and Artistic', 'Theatre, Cinema, Video and Rituals', 'Conservation of Historical Heritage’ (for the protection of the archival-book heritage).

Teaching methodology

Purely frontal teaching is enhanced by seminar activities organised by the Faculty and by research or visits to places of interest.

What next? Knowing how to exploit an immense cultural heritage

Upon completion of their studies, graduates will be able to join public and private organisations working in the field of cultural heritage protection or the organisation of cultural events. With different possible tasks: archive or art gallery assistant; consultant at Soprintendenze or museums; operator in the field of archaeology; guide or tour guide; appraiser of works of art and antique books.


The degree programme in Cultural Heritage Sciences initiates and develops professional figures able to work in the field of knowledge, protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, with particular reference to the world of art, archaeology, historical memories, theatre and entertainment. The horizon of interests stretches from tradition to contemporaneity by initiating specific paths on the different sectors of cultural heritage and enhancing the relative interactions of method and content.