
Faculty of: Psychology

Clinical and health psychology: person, family and community relationships


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-51 (Psychology)

The programme trains for professional activities related to:

  • Counselling and psychological support activities
  • Psychodiagnostics
  • Interventions with foster and adoptive families
  • Assessment and enrichment of couples and families
  • Training of practitioners and family and social mediation interventions
  • Design and management of communitybased interventions
  • Expert consulting activities
  • Family and social mediation interventions
  • Care and counselling in disability, chronicity and old age
  • Interventions in the field of health and health psychology

The professional outlets are varied and can be identified in the following main fields:

  • Psychological counselling activities
  • Psychological services cooperatives
  • Family and community mediation services
  • Local health authorities and hospitals
  • Private and public family protection centres
  • Third sector associations
  • Family advice centres
  • Family communities
  • Care facilities for the elderly