
Faculty of: Psychology

Clinical and health psychology: person, family and community relationships


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-51 (Psychology)

The graduate programme aims to train psychologists with clinical and social skills to design and conduct interventions aimed at the person, the couple, the family and the community.
The programme aims to provide specific professional skills to work independently in the field of clinical and social interventions for individuals, couples, families and in the field of community psychology, with reference to different contexts of action: public and private health care companies, organisations and services for prevention, care and assistance to the person, both in profit and non-profit contexts.
A qualifying feature of this graduate programme is the placement of clinical intervention within the relational perspective; this perspective takes into account the intrapsychic dynamics of the person, their interpersonal, family and social relationships and their cultural matrices. Specifically, the graduate programme considers interpersonal, family and social relationships as a crucial element in the development of individuals and community ties as well as their health and illness. The skills acquired relate to the field of research, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of subjective and relational distress, taking into account the traditions of research and intervention developed over the years at the University.


At a general level, the programme aims to:

  • acquire methods and techniques of clinical and psycho-social intervention for the person, the couple, the family, the groups, the community;
  • acquire the methodologies and tools for the analysis of demand, planning, implementation and evaluation of interventions in the fields of clinical psychology, social psychology and health psychology aimed at individuals, couples, families and communities for the prevention of relational discomfort and risk behaviour, diagnosis and treatment in interpersonal, family and community relationships, health promotion;
  • provide tools and methods for training in the fields of clinical psychology, health psychology, family psychology and community psychology;
  • provide the basic skills to carry out research activities within the university and in other scientific institutions.

In addition to its general aims, the programme also has other, more specific objectives oriented towards:

  • acquiring methodologies and techniques for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of family relationships in critical transitions (couple formation, birth and separation of children, ageing and death, adoption, fostering and separation, immigration);
  • providing methods and techniques for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of addictions (food addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, smoking addiction, drug addiction);
  • acquiring methodologies and techniques for implementing community development interventions;
  • preparing for clinical interventions in disease situations (neurological, cardiac, oncological, genetic diseases, etc.).