
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy, Economics

Business, media and organizational communication


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-19 (Information and publishing systems) - LM-59 (Advertising and communication for the public and private sectors)

Business, Media and Organisational Communication is an inter-faculty graduate degree programme which is the result of a synergy between the Faculties of Humanities and Philosophy and Economics. CIMO is also an interclass course that offers enrolled students the possibility of obtaining a graduate degree, at their choice, in one of the following classes: LM-19 Information and publishing systems or LM-59 Public, business and advertising communication sciences.


The graduate degree in Business, Media and Organisational Communication (CIMO) trains professionals capable of understanding, analyse, plan and implement actions and complex communication processes at the service of companies specialising in production and sales of products and services, communication companies, public and private institutions, authorities and territories.


Graduates in Business, Media and Organisational Communication will develop the necessary knowledge, competences and skills to work in the field of communication marketing and management, the conception and realisation of media content, the design of campaigns, actions, and communication and events, on and offline.