
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Arts, media and performance studies


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-3 (Visual arts, music, performing arts and fashion studies)

DAMS workshops focus on communication languages. Often the products are exercises and remain on the walls of the classroom, but it often happens, especially to undergraduates, that they open up to professional collaborations or participate in competitions with good results.

Here we present some of our students' products - but follow us on Facebook to keep up to date!


A challenge that is always high and expected is that of the Assolombarda Business Cinema competition, in which we have reaped good satisfaction and in particular victory with Luca Sorsoli in 2017.
But the delicacy of the video for the Anna Baiguera installation at Milan Design Week 2019 also remains in the memory.

Social Responsibility

Communicating is always an act of responsibility. And telling the real is the most beautiful expression of that. We proudly present here the winners of the competitions New Italian Workers 2017 and 2018, video interviews with new Italians not by chance the two most viewed videos in the Stars' social history (25k for the Pamela Kasa interview!).


Like the Stars and DAMS video proposals on Facebook and the DAMS Unicatt page. You will gradually come across the video-theatre experiments of Ermanno Nardi's workshops, the lessons on the languages of cinema given by the students of Matteo Asti's workshop, the Bresciagraphs, and much more.