
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy

Arts, media and performance studies


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-3 (Visual arts, music, performing arts and fashion studies)

A characteristic feature of DAMS is the supplementary teaching of professional activities, where work is carried out under the guidance of professionals. Each year of study includes several laboratories and workshops.

A 2-credit workshop involves 30 hours of shared work, in addition to personal or group study. The workshops are constructed in a manner consistent with the three training profiles.

The workshop is both an educational and a vocational activity and is led by a lecturer from the DAMS undergraduate programme. In terms of content and commitment it can be equivalent to an internship or work placement (150 hours equivalent to 6 ECTS).

Admission to the workshop is by means of a selection process based on the candidate's CV and an interview to assess their motivation and aptitude.

By way of example, the workshops planned for the a.y. 2020/2021 include:

  • Production of reportages and documentaries (Federvela, Gargnano sul Garda)
  • Editorial work and multimedia production ("Voce del Popolo")
  • Press office activities (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) 
  • Critical and social writing for theatre and entertainment (Wonderland Festival and International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo)
  • ‘Behind the scenes': production of theatrical backstage footage
  • Cataloguing and curatorial assistance (Brescia Musei)