
Faculty of: Psychology

Psychology for organizations: human resources, marketing, communication


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-51 (Psychology)

The graduate degree programme in Psychology for Organisations: Human Resources, Marketing and Communication has the general objective of providing the theoretical and methodological knowledge and the research and intervention skills of applied psychology at the service of work organizations (producers of goods and services, profit and non-profit) with particular reference to three basic areas: human resources management, marketing and organisational communication.
Qualifying objectives of the graduate programme are:

  • the deepening of knowledge of the contents and methods of the basic psychological disciplines, with particular
  • attention to their application in the context of work organisations;
  • the development of interdisciplinary knowledge, e.g., in the fields of sociology, philosophy, and economics;
  • the development of skills related to the three basic areas mentioned above, namely:
  1. to the design and management of research-intervention actions applied to the processes of management and development of human resources, including the areas of training, organisational change and social planning;
  2. the design and implementation of research and intervention programs in reference to the main marketing sectors (goods and services, private and social, profit and non-profit);
  3. the design and management of interventions to support organizational and institutional communication both inside and outside the organisation.


The graduate programme aims to promote psychological competences related to:

  • the demand analysis, design, implementation, evaluation and reporting of research and interventions for organisations;
  • applied research and intervention research methodologies;
  • the accompaniment of the psycho-social processes of organisational life.

In particular, the graduate programme prepares psychology professionals able to operate mainly within the following profiles/ scope areas.
Human resources:

  • Human Resources Management
  • Training and organisational consultancy
  • Selection and assessment processes


  • Marketing information services (of public and private, profit and non-profit companies)
  • Design and implementation of social and market research
  • Strategic planning in marketing divisions and communication agencies

Organisational communication:

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Design and management of social media and virtual communities
  • Responsible for communication processes within and outside the organisation.