
Faculty of: Political And Social Sciences

Political sciences and international relations


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-36 (Political science and international relations)

The programme in Political Sciences and International Relations (class L-36, Political Sciences and International Relations), which has been offered at the Brescia campus since the academic year 2015/2016 by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, specifically addresses the characteristics of an area marked by a highly internationalised economy with a strong social character.

This programme provides the tools for interpreting economic, legal, political, sociological and historical analysis and is aimed at training professionals with skills suitable for governing institutions, organisations and processes, able to contribute to the design of public policies and the management of profit and non-profit organisations, with a profile oriented towards internationalisation and the social market economy.

The cultural tradition of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Università Cattolica, which is firmly rooted in a subsidiary, solidaritybased and social vision of the economy, guarantees resources of thought in line with the approach described above.

The graduates of this course, thanks to a solid and multifaceted preparation capable of pass the test of time, are particularly well equipped to successfully meet the demand for ever newer professionalism, functional to the constant changes in contemporary society, with consequent good opportunities to enter the world of work.

Dear students,

my colleagues and I feel all the fatigue and tribulation you are facing these months. After so many hopes of a restart, in academic activity and even more so in social life, we still find ourselves distant, in a condition of mutilated humanity.

We try to be close to you, above all and, we hope, tangibly, with the commitment to organize teaching as best we can, in compliance with the given constraints.

Please don't give up! To paraphrase an English poet of the twentieth century, don't give up because you have friends, a company, and there’s a place, a community, where we belong. I am convinced that the end of the nightmare is no longer far away. Please, continue to attend the courses, to actively participate in online lessons, to study, to discuss, as far as possible, with your colleagues, to interact even if at a distance with the teachers. Let us work together so that this time is not suspended and the journey continues.

Some practical indications:

- after the Easter break, lessons will resume, in the manner that the pandemic framework will allow, according to the schedule and pre-established timetable. We hope to be able to return to dual mode soon, which however presupposes the relocation of the campus site in the “orange zone”. As usual, you will receive information in this regard on the University's information channels. When the dual mode resumes we will return to the week planning followed for the first weeks of the second semester;

- for the Laurea magistralis final exams scheduled between 7 and 9 April, the possibility of taking the exam in person will in any case be guaranteed to all students who have requested it and wish to confirm their orientation. If Lombardy were in the orange zone, it will be possible for undergraduates to be accompanied by a maximum of 5 people, as expected. If, on the other hand, Lombardy were in the red zone, unfortunately it will not be possible to allow the presence of accompanying people. In that case, those who wish to change their orientation on presence can do so by communicating it to the competent offices;

- as you have seen, for students aiming at taking their final exam in the academic year 2019/2020 who were unable to finish the final papers or theses in time for the March-April session, an extraordinary session has been scheduled between 7 and 10 June. The specific dates are available in iCatt and on the dedicated web pages;

- as for the exams of the summer session, the schedule is confirmed, but the uncertainties related to the health situation are still such that it is not possible to define, to date, a certain scenario on the methods of delivery. In that respect, notice will be given as soon as possible.

I send you my sincere wishes for the upcoming Easter. May it be an opportunity for regeneration starting from the heart of each one!

Guido Merzoni

Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences