
Faculty of: Economics



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree classes LM-77 (Management)


The Company Visit to Comau

On January 20th, the students of the MNE Business Lab had the opportunity to pay a visit to Comau, in Turin.
Notably, they had the chance to get familiar with a multinational business reality, not only by learning more about the company itself, but also, thanks to the intervention of Paolo Bocchia (Human Resources C&B Director) and Francesco Faccio (Comau Academy), by deepening our knowledge on the digital transformation and its effect on people and the organization.
Furthermore, Comau organized a visit to its Showroom where innovative robots were presented and visitors personally “wore” exoskeletons. A challenging business game requiring students to design and manufacture a product, create a marketing strategy, and eventually sell it to a targeted customer brought our company visit to an end.
MScM faculty and students are grateful to Comau for this journey through the industry 4.0 and for reminding the importance of people in leading digital transformation.

January 21th, 2022