
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Orthoptic and ophthalmologic assistance

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT2 (Health professions for rehabilitation)

Qualification for the healthcare profession of orthoptist and ophthalmic assistant

The programme in a nutshell

The aim of this programme is to train rehabilitation health professionals who, on a physician's prescription, treat sight motor and sensory disorders and carry out instrumental ophthalmological semiology techniques in accordance with current regulations.

The educational objective of this programme is to teach students the basics of understanding biological and pathological phenomena and the principles of physiopathology necessary to acquire the skills required to carry out orthoptic rehabilitation treatment in ocular motility and binocular vision disorders, the re-education of visual function handicaps and to perform instrumental ophthalmological semiology techniques.

At the end of the programme, students will be able to critically interpret (also in the light of the scientific literature of the field) the data that refer to the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as to communicate with clarity and scientific correctness with both colleagues and patients. They will also have developed autonomous learning skills that will allow both continuous professional development and the continuation of studies at more advanced levels as well as inclusion in research programmes related to their specific fields of expertise.

All the types of educational activities envisaged by the regulations contribute to achieving the learning objectives specified by the Descriptors of the European Framework for Qualifications (Dublin Descriptors).