
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Nursing and midwifery sciences

TURIN-Ospedale Cottolengo Piccola Casa Divina Provvidenza

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM/SNT1 (Nursing and midwifery)


This pathway enables the acquisition of an advanced cultural and professional education to intervene with high capacities in the care, management, training and research processes in one of the fields relevant to the different health professions involved (nurse, midwife or paediatric nurse). Students thus acquire care, educational and preventive competences in response to the primary and health problems of the population and to the quality problems of the services; they are able to take into account, in the planning and management of the personnel in the health area, the needs of the community and the development of new methods of work organisation. Furthermore, they consciously apply technological and IT innovation, also with reference to forms of teleassistance or tele-education, and the planning and organisation of pedagogical training events according to European operational standards.


Competence development is pursued through a training project whose main tensors are the concept of complexity, innovation and research. These competences include:

  • detecting and critically evaluating the evolution of the care needs relevant to the specific professional figure, also in the connotations related to gender, where required;
  • planning and operational intervention in complex care and organisational problems;
  • planning, management and evaluation of care services with a view to quality improvement (planning, organisation, management, control);
  • supervising assistance relevant to the specific professional figure and carry out professional counselling actions;
  • applying and evaluate the impact of different theoretical models in the operation of the service;
  • designing, implementing and evaluating training interventions;
  • developing teaching skills for the specific professional figure in the context of tutoring and co-ordination of apprenticeships in basic, further and continuing education;
  • using research methods and tools, relevant to the profession, in clinical care, organisation and training;
  • critically analysing ethical aspects related to care and to multi-professional and multicultural issues.