
Faculty of: Mathematical, Physical And Natural Sciences



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-40 (Mathematics)

The graduate programme in Mathematics aims to train graduates who are able to tackle, rationalise and solve complex problems using their knowledge, and are therefore fully capable of independently enhancing their skills, also on an international level. For this, graduates in Mathematics will have to:

  • have a solid cultural background in the area of mathematics and the methods of the discipline;
  • possess advanced computational and computer skills;
  • have specialised mathematical knowledge, either in the basic areas or in an applicative direction towards other scientific-technical fields;
  • be able to analyse and solve problems with complex mathematical modelling, particularly in the field of business economics;
  • have specific skills for the communication of problems and methods in Mathematics;
  • be able to use the English language fluently, both written and oral, also with reference to disciplinary terminology;
  • have interpersonal and decisionmaking skills and be able to work with a high degree of self-reliance, including taking on scientific and organisational responsibilities.